Friday, 31 July 2020

Fast and Slow

Over week one and two of this term, we have been exploring Fast and Slow.

We have talked about whether items are fast or slow and sorted them according to our ideas:
We have completed experiments to examine our ideas about what will move fast or slow. We have also dug deeper to find out what affects speed. We know about friction and how more friction makes us "stick" and less friction allows us to "glide". We used a range of materials to see if we would slide faster or slower.

We have looked at some funny videos of pandas on slides and people sliding either really slowly or really quickly:

Fast and Slow in Discovery

Can you see our slow baked snails, our slow oobleck and our fast twirly snakes?

Friday, 24 July 2020

Term 3 Week 1

A big welcome to T4 who have started in the Music Room. Mrs Townsend is excited to be back with Ahuriri with some new children. They are enjoying exploring their new space.

Great number work when parking cars.

Welcome to Term 3. This week we have enjoyed meeting all the new children in Ahuriri. We had our special Mihi Whakatau on Friday where all new children and families were welcomed to Halswell School. 

Mihi = to greet

Whakatau = to settle something into place; like a leaf gently falling into place

A Mihi whakatau is traditionally used for welcoming, introductions, openings and for other events which take place off the marae.

The new children enjoyed singing Te Aroha together.

Discovery was another fun and busy time. We loved having our new children with us for all our fun activities.